Wednesday, December 21, 2016

How to solve " HardBrick" on Android phone

   How to solve " HardBrik" on Android phone

Android phones is quite sophisticated .in addition to sophisticatied,this smart phone is also very complicated so if we use must be very careful .most of the damage android apart from the hardware that is broken on the android software it. Damage to the android phones are the most common because of the brick.

Actually the term brick is alreadyvery prevalent in android .Indeedthe term is often used when we run into problems on the android .Actually the term brick is devided into tow senses.No such thing as a soft brick is brick or damage caused to the sofwarethat damaged.In addition to soft brick ,there is also such thing as a hard brick .Hard brick could occur because of damage to the android hardware it.

Damage to the android phone itself is ussually the case with such characteristics or android hardbrick total dead,or it coylf because by a blank screen /mobile phonescreen becomes black and does not respond .So ,to overcome this fact there are several ways.

HardbrickbAndroid smartphone whichis a condition in which the total dead Android it does not show symptoms for signs of life.Can not turn on and can not go into recovery mode and can not get into download mode.

Hardbrick is a time where you've HH Android does not turn on anymore or can not be van happen if you are too much fiddling with your HH HH or indeedyour hardware is damaged.

Cause Hardbrick:
• "The success of this pending  " when flashing
• Excessive Overclocking
•Oftenutually CPU setting
•Editing build .prop indiscriminate

How to solve Hard Brick on Android smartphonesThere are several solutions that you can try to order a certain order and you have to be patien in this regard.Following 3 ways before thowing  your Smartphone into a trash

Menthod 1:

• Disconect all attached to your Android Sim card, for example ( some call SIM Card), Memory card ( microSD ), and batteries. Let stand for 10- 20 minutes.

•Replace and try to turn it on.

• If succesfully lit and can get into download mode, immediately do the flashing.

Menthod 2:

• Dislodged simcard ,memory -card and battery.

• Then plug your Android Smartphone to a computer via USB data cable without using batteries.

• Continue to push the power button and the volume up + down until there was " beep " on the computer [ computer arlerts recognize your gadget and tried to install the driver]

• If it does not appear sound / sound,continue to push 1-3 minutes,then insert the battery

• IImmediatelly go into dowload mode ,if successful,immediatelly do the flashing.

Menthod 3:

• Unplug sim card, memory card ,battery.

• Let stand your android smartphone for 2-3 days.

• After that try to turn it on / entry kedowliad and flashing modes.

It is way for gadgets that experienced a hardbrick can be saved,so if the aboveways still does not work ,last step is coming to the servis Center Vendor in question or the person who you believe might be able to vix your gadget hardbrick.

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