Wednesday, December 21, 2016

How to Overcome " Bootloop " in Android

How to Overcome  " Bootloop" In Android

Android is one of the open - source OS that is very popular .Because of this ,many different ways to modify it ( modding ) ,in term of custom Android ROMs and firmwares are very famous and many variants ROM or firmwares available at this time .However there are problems that opten arise when installing a custom ROM.One of the major problems most commonly encountered when running ROM Android users are bootloop third party.Bootloop is caused because the file system is impaired or interfere with each other ,then there was a crash during  the boot process,so that Android devices can not  boot normally and will boot up continuosly.

For those Android users who like modifying ( modding ) your Android device( modder ) and mutually custom ROMs, often dealing with issues such as bootloop and brick because of an error in the ROMis used, install a custom ROM is fun for us who want to feel The new experience of other ROM.

With increasing activity mofification ,it adds to the risk of permanent damage or hard bricking on Android device .most of you are still a beginner in terms of modification of Android will find it difficult to cope with things like  in.Oleh therefore we will give a solution to overcome the problems that commonly occur when performing modifications to Android ,especially bootloop.

How to cope with bootloop on every Android not the same ,because this bootloop have different cause and also how to resolve different.indeed a lot of ways to overcome bootloop ,but it is not necessarily suitable for the case experienced by your Android .it is important to first determine the cause and find out how to correctthe cause of it.

3( three) types bootloop available on Android
1. Light Android bootloop, bootloop is fairly easy to overcome .this usually happens as a result of installing the apk or gaming but Android restarts abruptly but instead occured bootloop.

Solution : usually this can be directly solved by  disconnecting the battery from the smartphone and then plug it in and switch it on again.But for the tablet will be a little difficut because the battery is connected to the ddvice in a way that should remove the soldered tin beforehand.

Medium Android bootloop,bootloop which common when Android system.Bootloop happens at this level can still be saved ,because at least they can go into recovery mode.

Solution: To resolve this bootloop requered level windows PC file recovery and  restore boot image to either the original image or CWM.the way it could be done if it had never done before backup file requeres recovery of other users with ghe same type of android.

Hard Android bootloop,bootloop is the final level where there is amoddification occurs due to an imbalance Android files and even damage the Android files.This usually occurs due to rooting and changing the script like font,memory partition,delete the original application ,one install acuctom rom,and so forth.

Solution: You need the right software and the right way of flashing as well as every smartphone has different haedware types.Flashing way too dependent based on the chipset usr your Android.

If you have quetions about bootloop can pass comment,I answered his best later. Thanks

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